The Story Bar

People like us talk about things like this over drinks.

Curated by Tanner Latham & Jennifer Davick

The Best Love Song About a Mummy...Ever

The Best Love Song About a Mummy...Ever

He opens his eyes falls in love at first sight

With the girl in the doorway

What beautiful lines and how full of life

After thousands of years, what a face to wake up to

He holds back a sigh as she touches his arm

She dusts off the bed where 'til now he's been sleeping

And under miles of stone, the dried fig of his heart

Under scarab and bone starts back to its beating


Lyrics from "The Curse" by Josh Ritter; Still from the video produced by Liam Hurley

#love #mummy #lovesong #singer #songwriter #lyrics #song #writing #poetry #puppets #story #stories #thestorybar

The Shifting Tide in American Migration

The Shifting Tide in American Migration

Woman, Do Not Heel Thyself

Woman, Do Not Heel Thyself