The Story Bar

People like us talk about things like this over drinks.

Curated by Tanner Latham & Jennifer Davick

Peggy Guggenheim's Incredible Influence on Art

Peggy Guggenheim's Incredible Influence on Art

For much of the 20th century she was the enfant terrible of the art world and one of its most influential patrons. In 1949, she bought an 18th-century palazzo on the Grand Canal, in Venice, and turned it into an avant-garde salon that was said to have “more than once shocked Venice’s Renaissance soul.” Guests included Tennessee Williams, Somerset Maugham, Igor Stravinsky, Jean Cocteau, and Marlon Brando. She built one of the great collections of modern art, 326 paintings and sculptures that would become known as the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, including works by Pablo Picasso, Jackson Pollock, Constantin Brancusi, Joan Miró, Alexander Calder, Salvador Dalí, Willem de Kooning, Mark Rothko, Alberto Giacometti, Wassily Kandinsky, and Marcel Duchamp. (“Her choices affected the course of twentieth-century art history,” wrote one of her biographers, Mary V. Dearborn.) 


From “The Bitter Legal Battle Over Peggy Guggenheim’s Blockbuster Art Collection” by Milton Esterow for Vanity Fair; Photo from 1953 by Frank Scherschel/The Life Picture Collection/Getty Images

#guggenheim #peggyguggenheim #modern #vanityfair #art #artist #legend #icon #patron #pablopicasso #picasso #jacksonpollock #pollock #salvadordali #dali #willemdekooning #dekooning #markrothko #rothko #kandinsky #duchamp

The Origin of Wine Grapes

The Origin of Wine Grapes

How to Get on the Kiss Cam

How to Get on the Kiss Cam