(Audio) Richard Russo's One Rule as a Father
I don't have very many rules as a father, but the one is that I am always there. In the Russo house, when my daughters were growing up, we had dinner together at the dining room table every night. If there were 12 nights during the entire time that my daughters were growing up where we didn't have dinner as a family, that would have been a lot. So, I show up in their lives and also try to be entertaining to them. I hope that when I'm gone, they laugh remembering me. That they will remember with the kind of fondness, in terms of my entertainment value, that I feel in remembering my old man.
Excerpt from Novelist Richard Russo's interview with Terry Gross on Fresh Air, 2016; Photo by Joel Page, DML - AP; Russo won the 2002 Pulitzer Prize for Empire Falls. He also wrote Nobody's Fool and the recently published Everybody's Fool.
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